This is the module containing the AveragingPeriod class. The AveragingPeriod class contains the
InterfaceClassBase members, as well as cfs_flag, intn (number of integrations to run),
or intt(max time for integrations), and it contains sequences of class Sequence.
:copyright: 2018 SuperDARN Canada
:author: Marci Detwiller
import datetime
# built-in
import inspect
from pathlib import Path
import copy
# third party
import numpy as np
import structlog
# local
import borealis_experiments.superdarn_common_fields as scf
from utils.options import Options
from experiment_prototype.interface_classes.sequences import Sequence
from experiment_prototype.interface_classes.interface_class_base import (
from experiment_prototype.experiment_exception import ExperimentException
from experiment_prototype.experiment_slice import ExperimentSlice
# Obtain the module name that imported this log_config
caller = Path(inspect.stack()[-1].filename)
module_name = caller.name.split(".")[0]
log = structlog.getLogger(module_name)
Scans are made up of AveragingPeriods, these are typically a 3sec time of the same pulse sequence
pointing in one direction. AveragingPeriods are made up of Sequences, typically the same sequence
run ave. 20-30 times after a clear frequency search. Sequences are made up of pulse_time lists,
which give timing, slice, and pulsenumber. CPObject provides channels, pulseshift (if any), freq,
pulse length, beamdir, and wavetype.
options = Options()
[docs]class AveragingPeriod(InterfaceClassBase):
Set up the AveragingPeriods.
An averaging period contains sequences and integrates one or multiple pulse sequences together in
a given time frame or in a given number of averages, if that is the preferred limiter.
**The unique members of the averagingperiod are (not a member of the interfaceclassbase):**
passed in by the scan that this AveragingPeriod instance is contained in. A dictionary of
slice: beam_order for all slices contained in this aveperiod.
passed in by the scan that this AveragingPeriod instance is contained in. A dictionary of
slice: beamdir(s) for all slices contained in this aveperiod.
The priority limitation. The time limit (ms) at which time the aveperiod will end. If None,
we will use intn to end the aveperiod (a number of sequences).
Number of averages (# of times the sequence transmits) to end after for the averagingperiod.
The list of sequences included in this aveperiod. This does not indicate how many averages
will be transmitted in the aveperiod. If there are multiple sequences in the list, they will
be alternated between until the end of the aveperiod.
boolean, True if this averaging period only has one unique set of pulse samples in it. This
is true if there is only one sequence in the averaging period, and all pulses after the
first pulse in the sequence have the isarepeat key = True. This boolean can be used to speed
up the process of sending data to the driver which means we can get more averages in less
def __init__(
self, ave_keys, ave_slice_dict, ave_interface, transmit_metadata
self.slice_to_beamorder = slice_to_beamorder_dict
self.slice_to_beamdir = slice_to_beamdir_dict
self.intt = self.slice_dict[self.slice_ids[0]].intt
self.intn = self.slice_dict[self.slice_ids[0]].intn
self.txctrfreq = self.slice_dict[self.slice_ids[0]].txctrfreq
self.rxctrfreq = self.slice_dict[self.slice_ids[0]].rxctrfreq
if self.intt is not None: # intt has priority over intn
for slice_id in self.slice_ids:
if self.slice_dict[slice_id].intt != self.intt:
errmsg = (
f"Slices {self.slice_ids[0]} and {slice_id} are SEQUENCE or CONCURRENT"
" interfaced and do not have the same Averaging Period duration intt"
raise ExperimentException(errmsg)
elif self.intn is not None:
for slice_id in self.slice_ids:
if self.slice_dict[slice_id].intn != self.intn:
errmsg = (
f"Slices {self.slice_ids[0]} and {slice_id} are SEQUENCE or CONCURRENT"
" interfaced and do not have the same NAVE goal intn"
raise ExperimentException(errmsg)
for slice_id in self.slice_ids:
if len(self.slice_dict[slice_id].rx_beam_order) != len(
errmsg = (
f"Slices {self.slice_ids[0]} and {slice_id} are SEQUENCE or CONCURRENT"
" interfaced but do not have the same number of averaging periods in"
" their beam order"
raise ExperimentException(errmsg)
for slice_id in self.slice_ids:
if self.slice_dict[slice_id].txctrfreq != self.txctrfreq:
errmsg = (
f"Slices {self.slice_ids[0]} and {slice_id} are SEQUENCE or CONCURRENT"
" interfaced and do not have the same txctrfreq"
raise ExperimentException(errmsg)
if self.slice_dict[slice_id].rxctrfreq != self.rxctrfreq:
errmsg = (
f"Slices {self.slice_ids[0]} and {slice_id} are SEQUENCE or CONCURRENT"
" interfaced and do not have the same rxctrfreq"
raise ExperimentException(errmsg)
self.num_beams_in_scan = len(self.slice_dict[self.slice_ids[0]].rx_beam_order)
# NOTE: Do not need beam information inside the AveragingPeriod, this is in Scan.
# Determine how this averaging period is made by separating out the SEQUENCE interfaced.
self.nested_slice_list = self.get_nested_slice_ids()
self.sequences = []
for params in self.prep_for_nested_interface_class():
self.one_pulse_only = False
self.beam_iter = 0 # used to keep track of place in beam order.
[docs] def set_beamdirdict(self, beamiter):
Get a dictionary of 'slice_id' : 'beamdir(s)' for this averaging period.
At a given beam iteration, this averagingperiod instance will select the beam directions
that it will shift to.
:param beamiter: the index into the beam_order list, or the index of an averaging
period into the scan
:type beamiter: int
:returns: dictionary of slice to beamdir where beamdir is always a list (may be of length
one though). Beamdir is azimuth angle.
:rtype: dict
slice_to_beamdir_dict = {}
for slice_id in self.slice_ids:
beam_number = self.slice_to_beamorder[slice_id][beamiter]
if isinstance(beam_number, int):
beamdir = []
else: # is a list
beamdir = [
self.slice_to_beamdir[slice_id][bmnum] for bmnum in beam_number
slice_to_beamdir_dict[slice_id] = beamdir
except IndexError:
errmsg = f"Looking for BeamNumber or Beamdir that does not Exist at BeamIter {beamiter}"
raise ExperimentException(errmsg)
return slice_to_beamdir_dict
[docs]class CFSAveragingPeriod(AveragingPeriod):
A variation of AveragingPeriod that conducts a clear frequency search to determine the frequency to use
for some or all of the slices within the averaging period.
def __init__(
# Metadata for an AveragingPeriod: clear frequency search, integration time, number of averages goal
self.cfs_always_run = False
self.cfs_sequence = None
self.cfs_slice_ids = []
self.cfs_scan_order = []
self.cfs_stable_time = 0
self.cfs_pwr_threshold = 0
self.cfs_fft_n = 0
# {slice_id : np.ndarray of shape [num_freqs]}
self.cfs_freq = dict()
# {slice_id : [np.ndarray of shape [num_freqs]] * num_beams}
self.cfs_mags = dict()
# {slice_id : list of [lower_freq, upper_freq]}
self.cfs_range = dict()
# {slice_id : [np.ndarray of shape [num_freqs]] * num_beams}
self.cfs_masks = dict()
# [datetime] * num_beams
self.last_cfs_set_time = list()
# {slice_id : [float] * num_beams}
self.beam_frequency = dict()
# {slice_id : [bool] * num_beams}
self.set_new_freq = dict()
# there may be multiple slices in this averaging period at different frequencies so
# we may have to search multiple ranges.
for slice_id in self.slice_ids:
if self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_flag:
self.cfs_stable_time = self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_stable_time
self.cfs_pwr_threshold = self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_pwr_threshold
self.cfs_fft_n = self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_fft_n
self.cfs_flag = True
self.cfs_freq[slice_id] = None
self.cfs_mags[slice_id] = [None] * self.num_beams_in_scan
self.cfs_masks[slice_id] = [None] * self.num_beams_in_scan
self.beam_frequency[slice_id] = [None] * self.num_beams_in_scan
self.cfs_range[slice_id] = self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_range
self.set_new_freq[slice_id] = [True] * self.num_beams_in_scan
if self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_always_run:
self.cfs_always_run = True
for slice_id in self.cfs_slice_ids:
if self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_pwr_threshold != self.cfs_pwr_threshold:
errmsg = (
f"Slices {self.slice_ids[0]} and {slice_id} are SEQUENCE or CONCURRENT"
" interfaced and do not have the same cfs_power_threshold"
raise ExperimentException(errmsg)
if self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_fft_n != self.cfs_fft_n:
errmsg = (
f"Slices {self.slice_ids[0]} and {slice_id} are SEQUENCE or CONCURRENT"
" interfaced and do not have the same cfs_fft_n"
raise ExperimentException(errmsg)
if self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_stable_time != self.cfs_stable_time:
errmsg = (
f"Slices {self.slice_ids[0]} and {slice_id} are SEQUENCE or CONCURRENT"
" interfaced and do not have the same cfs_stable_time"
raise ExperimentException(errmsg)
# Set to a time in the past that is guaranteed to trigger a clear frequency search on the
# first averaging period run
self.last_cfs_set_time = [
- datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.cfs_stable_time)
] * len(self.slice_dict[self.slice_ids[0]].rx_beam_order)
self.cfs_sequences = [sqn for sqn in self.sequences if sqn.cfs_flag]
[docs] def select_cfs_freqs(self, cfs_packet):
Accepts the analysis results of the clear frequency search and uses the passed frequencies and powers
to determine what frequencies to set each clear frequency search slice to.
* Loops through all sequences that have CFS slices:
* Records all non-CFS slice frequencies
* Loops through each CFS slice in the averaging period:
* Calculates the tx bandwidth for the slice pulses;
* Creates a mask of the CFS frequency band
* Masks restricted frequencies
* Masks already-used frequencies by other slices
* Masks around the N200 tuned center frequencies (rx and tx)
* Masks frequencies outside requested CFS range
* Sorts measured spectrum by power
* Sets slice frequency to the least powerful frequency
* Updates already-used frequency list
* Stores the frequency mask
* Builds each CFS sequence
* Return the frequency masks
:param cfs_packet: Analyzed CFS sequence data
:type cfs_packet: ProcessedSequenceMessage
cfs_freq_hz = np.array(cfs_packet.cfs_freq) # at baseband
cfs_data = [dset.cfs_data for dset in cfs_packet.output_datasets]
# Sort measured frequencies based on measured power at each freq
slice_masks = dict()
slice_used_freqs = dict()
# {cfs_slice_id: list of used frequencies that the slice must avoid}
cfs_slice_set = set(self.cfs_slice_ids)
cfs_set_freq = dict()
for sequence in self.cfs_sequences:
used_range = []
sqn_slice_ids = set(sequence.slice_ids)
sqn_cfs_ids = sqn_slice_ids.intersection(cfs_slice_set)
for slice_id in sqn_slice_ids.difference(cfs_slice_set):
slice_obj = sequence.slice_dict[slice_id]
if not slice_obj.rxonly:
df = int(round(1e3 / (2 * slice_obj.pulse_len)))
# bandwidth of tx pulse / 2 in kHz
used_range.append([slice_obj.freq - df, slice_obj.freq + df])
# record pulse widths of all non-cfs slices in use
slice_used_freqs.update({k: used_range for k in sqn_cfs_ids})
for i, slice_id in enumerate(self.cfs_slice_ids):
slice_obj = self.slice_dict[slice_id]
df = int(round(1e3 / (2 * slice_obj.pulse_len)))
slice_range = slice_obj.cfs_range
center_freq_khz = int((slice_range[0] + slice_range[1]) / 2)
shifted_cfs_khz = cfs_freq_hz / 1000 + center_freq_khz
mask = np.full(len(shifted_cfs_khz), True)
for f_rng in options.restricted_ranges:
shifted_cfs_khz >= np.floor(f_rng[0]),
shifted_cfs_khz <= np.ceil(f_rng[1]),
] = False
# Rounding when setting the freq below could cause the freq to set to a restricted value
# so ceil and floor are used to ensure restricted ranges are avoided
for tx_range in slice_used_freqs[slice_id]:
shifted_cfs_khz >= tx_range[0] - df,
shifted_cfs_khz <= tx_range[1] + df,
] = False
# Mask pulse width around all used frequencies
for ctr_freq in [self.txctrfreq, self.rxctrfreq]:
shifted_cfs_khz >= np.floor(ctr_freq - 50),
shifted_cfs_khz <= np.ceil(ctr_freq + 50),
] = False
# Avoid frequencies within 50 kHz for the center freqs
f_rng = slice_obj.cfs_range
shifted_cfs_khz < f_rng[0], shifted_cfs_khz > f_rng[1]
] = False
shifted_cfs_khz = shifted_cfs_khz[mask]
# Mask all restricted frequencies, all frequencies within the tx pulse
# of used frequencies, frequencies outside cfs_range, and frequencies
# too close to the center frequencies in the cfs spectrum frequencies
if len(shifted_cfs_khz) < 1:
"All searched frequencies were too close to used frequencies or the tx or rx"
"center frequencies or were restricted. The radar will crash!!!",
slice_masks[slice_id] = mask
ind = np.argmin(cfs_data[i][mask])
cfs_set_freq[slice_id] = int(np.round(shifted_cfs_khz[ind]))
self.beam_frequency[slice_id][self.beam_iter] = cfs_set_freq[slice_id]
for sqn in self.cfs_sequences:
if slice_id in sqn.slice_ids:
other_ids = set(sqn.slice_ids).intersection(self.cfs_slice_ids)
for other_id in other_ids:
cfs_set_freq[slice_id] - df,
cfs_set_freq[slice_id] + df,
# Set cfs slice frequency and add frequency to used_freqs for all other concurrent slices
return slice_masks, cfs_set_freq
[docs] def update_cfs_freqs(self):
for i, slice_id in enumerate(self.cfs_slice_ids):
slice_obj = self.slice_dict[slice_id]
slice_obj.freq = self.beam_frequency[slice_id][self.beam_iter]
"selecting cfs slice freq",
for sequence in self.cfs_sequences:
[docs] def check_update_freq(self, cfs_spectrum, cfs_slices, threshold, beam_iter):
Checks if any scanned frequencies have power levels that
exceed the current power of each cfs slice based on a threshold
:params cfs_packet: Results of the CFS analysis
:type cfs_spectrum: OutputDataset dataclass from message_formats.py
:params cfs_slices: Slice ids of each cfs slice to be checked
:type cfs_slices: list
:params threshold: Power threshold (dB) used in check
:type threshold: float
:params beam_iter: current beam index
:type beam_iter: int
cfs_data = [dset.cfs_data for dset in cfs_spectrum.output_datasets]
for i, slice_id in enumerate(cfs_slices):
# Shift the current frequency down to baseband and then use the
# result to determine the index in the measured frequency
# spectrum that the current frequency is from
shifted_frequency = self.beam_frequency[slice_id][beam_iter] - int(
sum(self.cfs_range[slice_id]) / 2
idx = (
np.abs(np.asarray(self.cfs_freq) - shifted_frequency * 1000)
# calculate the ratio of the current freq power over all other freqs
pwr_ratio = cfs_data[i][idx] - np.asarray(
if any(pwr_ratio > threshold):
self.set_new_freq[slice_id][beam_iter] = True
[docs] def build_cfs_sequence(self):
Builds an empty rx only pulse sequence to collect clear frequency search data
pulse_length = 100 # us
slice_id = self.cfs_slice_ids[0] # get first cfs slice id
num_ranges = int(
round((self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_duration * 1000) / pulse_length)
# calculate number of ranges (cfs_duration is in ms)
# Create a CFS slice for the pulse
default_slice = {
"cpid": self.slice_dict[slice_id].cpid,
"slice_id": 0,
"transition_bandwidth": self.slice_dict[slice_id].transition_bandwidth,
"rx_bandwidth": self.slice_dict[slice_id].rx_bandwidth,
"tx_bandwidth": self.slice_dict[slice_id].tx_bandwidth,
"txctrfreq": self.txctrfreq,
"rxctrfreq": self.rxctrfreq,
"rxonly": True,
"pulse_sequence": [0],
"tau_spacing": scf.TAU_SPACING_7P,
"pulse_len": pulse_length,
"num_ranges": num_ranges,
"first_range": scf.STD_FIRST_RANGE,
"intn": 1, # number of integration times
"beam_angle": [0.0],
"rx_beam_order": [0],
"freq": None, # kHz
"decimation_scheme": self.slice_dict[slice_id].cfs_scheme,
cfs_slices = {}
seq_keys = []
slice_counter = 0
self.cfs_scan_order = []
for cfs_id in self.cfs_slice_ids:
listening_slice = copy.deepcopy(default_slice)
slice_range = self.slice_dict[cfs_id].cfs_range
listening_slice["freq"] = int((slice_range[0] + slice_range[1]) / 2)
listening_slice["slice_id"] = slice_counter
cfs_slices[slice_counter] = ExperimentSlice(**listening_slice)
slice_counter += 1
# Build interface dictionary
interface_dict = {}
for i in range(slice_counter):
for j in range(i + 1, slice_counter):
interface_dict[(i, j)] = "CONCURRENT"
self.cfs_sequence = Sequence(
seq_keys, cfs_slices, interface_dict, self.transmit_metadata