Source code for scheduler.local_scd_server


    Monitors for new SWG files and adds the SWG info to the scd if there is an update.

    :copyright: 2022 SuperDARN Canada

import subprocess as sp
import sys
import os
import datetime
import time
import argparse

import scd_utils

SWG_GIT_REPO_DIR = "schedules"

    "sas": {
        "common_time": "twofsound",
        "discretionary_time": "twofsound",
        "htr_common_time": "twofsound",
        "themis_time": "themisscan",
        "special_time_normal": "twofsound",
        "rbsp_time": "rbspscan",
        "no_switching_time": "normalscan",
        "interleaved_time": "interleavedscan",
        "normalsound_time": "normalsound",
    "pgr": {
        "common_time": "twofsound",
        "discretionary_time": "twofsound",
        "htr_common_time": "twofsound",
        "themis_time": "themisscan",
        "special_time_normal": "twofsound",
        "rbsp_time": "rbspscan",
        "no_switching_time": "normalscan",
        "interleaved_time": "interleavedscan",
        "normalsound_time": "normalsound",
    "rkn": {
        "common_time": "twofsound",
        "discretionary_time": "twofsound",
        "htr_common_time": "twofsound",
        "themis_time": "themisscan",
        "special_time_normal": "twofsound",
        "rbsp_time": "rbspscan",
        "no_switching_time": "normalscan",
        "interleaved_time": "interleavedscan",
        "normalsound_time": "normalsound",
    "inv": {
        "common_time": "twofsound",
        "discretionary_time": "twofsound",
        "htr_common_time": "twofsound",
        "themis_time": "themisscan",
        "special_time_normal": "twofsound",
        "rbsp_time": "rbspscan",
        "no_switching_time": "normalscan",
        "interleaved_time": "interleavedscan",
        "normalsound_time": "normalsound",
    "cly": {
        "common_time": "twofsound",
        "discretionary_time": "twofsound",
        "htr_common_time": "twofsound",
        "themis_time": "themisscan",
        "special_time_normal": "twofsound",
        "rbsp_time": "rbspscan",
        "no_switching_time": "normalscan",
        "interleaved_time": "interleavedscan",
        "normalsound_time": "normalsound",
    "lab": {
        "common_time": "twofsound",
        "discretionary_time": "twofsound",
        "htr_common_time": "twofsound",
        "themis_time": "themisscan",
        "special_time_normal": "twofsound",
        "rbsp_time": "rbspscan",
        "no_switching_time": "normalscan",
        "interleaved_time": "interleavedscan",
        "normalsound_time": "normalsound",

[docs]class SWG(object): """Holds the data needed for processing a SWG file.""" def __init__(self, scd_dir): super().__init__() self.scd_dir = scd_dir # Determine if the git repo for schedules exists, and clone it if it doesn't try: cmd = f"git -C {self.scd_dir}/{SWG_GIT_REPO_DIR} rev-parse" sp.check_output(cmd, shell=True) except sp.CalledProcessError: cmd = f"cd {self.scd_dir}; git clone {SWG_GIT_REPO}", shell=True)
[docs] def new_swg_file_available(self): """ Checks if a new swg file is uploaded via git. :returns: True, if new git update is available. :rtype: bool """ # This command will return the number of new commits available in main. This signals that # there are new SWG files available. cmd = f"cd {self.scd_dir}/{SWG_GIT_REPO_DIR}; git fetch; git log ..origin/main --oneline | wc -l" shell_output = sp.check_output(cmd, shell=True) return bool(int(shell_output))
[docs] def pull_new_swg_file(self): """Uses git to grab the new scd updates.""" cmd = f"cd {self.scd_dir}/{SWG_GIT_REPO_DIR}; git pull origin main" print("Pulling schedule repository") shell_output = sp.check_output(cmd, shell=True) print(f"Result: {shell_output}")
[docs] def parse_swg_to_scd(self, modes, radar, first_run): """ Reads the new SWG file and parses into a set of parameters than can be used for borealis scheduling. :param modes: Holds the modes that correspond to the SWG requests. :type modes: dict :param radar: Radar acronym. :type radar: str :param first_run: Is this the first run? If so - start with current month, otherwise next month. :type first_run: bool :returns: List of all the parsed parameters. :rtype: list """ print("Parsing schedule files") if first_run: month_to_use = datetime.datetime.utcnow() else: month_to_use = scd_utils.get_next_month_from_date() year = month_to_use.strftime("%Y") month = month_to_use.strftime("%m") yearmonth = year + month swg_file = f"{self.scd_dir}/{SWG_GIT_REPO_DIR}/{year}/{yearmonth}.swg" print(f"Reading schedule file {swg_file}") with open(swg_file, "r") as f: swg_lines = f.readlines() skip_line = False parsed_params = [] for idx, line in enumerate(swg_lines): # Init mode_to_use and mode_type to None every loop, so we can error check mode_to_use = None mode_type = None # Skip line is used for special time radar lines if skip_line: skip_line = False continue # We've hit the SCD notes and no longer need to parse if "# Notes:" in line: break # Skip only white space lines if not line.strip(): continue # Lines starting with '#' or whitespace and '#' are comments if line.strip()[0] == "#": continue # First line is month and year if idx == 0: continue items = line.split() start_day = items[0][0:2] start_hr = items[0][3:] if "Common Time" in line: mode_type = "common" # 2018 11 23 no longer scheduling twofsound as common time during 'no switching' if "no switching" in line: mode_to_use = modes["no_switching_time"] elif "normalsound" in line: mode_to_use = modes["normalsound_time"] elif "interleavescan" in line: mode_to_use = modes["interleaved_time"] else: mode_to_use = modes["htr_common_time"] if "Special Time" in line: mode_type = "special" if "ALL" in line or radar.upper() in line: if "THEMIS" in line: mode_to_use = modes["themis_time"] elif "ST-APOG" in line or "RBSP" in line: mode_to_use = modes["rbsp_time"] elif "ARASE" in line or "interleavescan" in line: mode_to_use = modes["interleaved_time"] elif "normalsound" in line: mode_to_use = modes["normalsound_time"] else: print("Unknown Special Time: using default common time") mode_to_use = modes["htr_common_time"] else: mode_to_use = modes["special_time_normal"] if "Discretionary Time" in line: mode_type = "discretionary" mode_to_use = modes["discretionary_time"] if not mode_to_use or not mode_type: raise ValueError(f"SWG line couldn't be parsed: {line}") param = { f"yyyymmdd": f"{year}{month}{start_day}", f"hhmm": f"{start_hr}:00", "experiment": mode_to_use, "scheduling_mode": mode_type, } parsed_params.append(param) print(f"Found schedule line: {param}") return parsed_params
[docs]def main(): """ """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Automatically schedules new events from the SWG" ) parser.add_argument("--scd-dir", required=True, help="The scd working directory") parser.add_argument( "--force", action="store_true", help="Force an update to the schedules for the next month", ) parser.add_argument( "--first-run", action="store_true", help="This will generate the first set of schedule files if running on a fresh directory. " "If the next month schedule is available, you will need to roll back the SWG schedule " "folder back to the last commit before running in continuous operation.", ) args = parser.parse_args() scd_dir = args.scd_dir scd_logs = scd_dir + "/logs" if not os.path.exists(scd_dir): os.makedirs(scd_dir) if not os.path.exists(scd_logs): os.makedirs(scd_logs) sites = list(EXPERIMENTS.keys()) site_scds = [scd_utils.SCDUtils(f"{scd_dir}/{s}.scd", s) for s in sites] swg = SWG(scd_dir) force_next_month = args.force current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print(f"{current_time} - Starting") if args.first_run: # Create the .scd files for each site if running for first time for s in sites: filename = f"{scd_dir}/{s}.scd" with open(filename, "a"): pass while True: if swg.new_swg_file_available() or args.first_run or force_next_month: current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print(f"{current_time} - New swg file available") swg.pull_new_swg_file() site_experiments = [ swg.parse_swg_to_scd(EXPERIMENTS[s], s, args.first_run) for s in sites ] errors = False today = datetime.datetime.utcnow() scd_error_log = today.strftime("/scd_errors.%Y%m%d") for se, site_scd in zip(site_experiments, site_scds): for ex in se: try: print( f"add_line date: {ex['yyyymmdd']}, " f"with experiment: {ex['experiment']}, " f"mode: {ex['scheduling_mode']}" ) site_scd.add_line( ex["yyyymmdd"], ex["hhmm"], ex["experiment"], ex["scheduling_mode"], ) except ValueError as err: error_msg = ( f"{today.strftime('%c')} {site_scd.scd_filename}: Unable to add line:\n" f"\t {ex['yyyymmdd']} {ex['hhmm']} {ex['experiment']} {ex['scheduling_mode']}\n" f"\t Exception thrown:\n" f"\t\t {str(err)}\n" ) with open(scd_logs + scd_error_log, "a") as f: f.write(error_msg) errors = True break except FileNotFoundError: error_msg = ( f"SCD filename: {site_scd.scd_filename} is missing!!!\n" ) with open(scd_logs + scd_error_log, "a") as f: f.write(error_msg) errors = True break if not errors: success_msg = "All swg lines successfully scheduled.\n" for site, site_scd in zip(sites, site_scds): yyyymmdd = today.strftime("%Y%m%d") hhmm = today.strftime("%H:%M") new_lines = site_scd.get_relevant_lines(yyyymmdd, hhmm) text_lines = [site_scd.fmt_line(x) for x in new_lines] success_msg += f"\t{site}\n" for line in text_lines: success_msg += f"\t\t{line}\n" with open(scd_logs + scd_error_log, "a") as f: f.write(success_msg) if args.first_run: break force_next_month = False else: time.sleep(300)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()