Source code for scheduler.scd_utils

    Utilities for working with scd files

    :copyright: 2019 SuperDARN Canada
import os
import datetime as dt
import shutil
import sys

borealis_path = os.environ["BOREALISPATH"]
import experiment_unittests

[docs]def get_next_month_from_date(date=None): """Finds the datetime of the next month. Args date - Default today. Datetime to get next month from Returns: TYPE: datetime object. """ if date is None: date = dt.datetime.utcnow() counter = 1 new_date = date + dt.timedelta(days=counter) while new_date.month == date.month: counter += 1 new_date = date + dt.timedelta(days=counter) return new_date
[docs]class SCDUtils: """ Contains utilities for working with SCD files. SCD files are schedule files for Borealis. """ """String format for parsing and writing datetimes""" scd_dt_fmt = "%Y%m%d %H:%M" """String format for scd line""" line_fmt = ( "{datetime} {duration} {prio} {experiment} {scheduling_mode} {embargo} {kwargs}" ) def __init__(self, scd_filename, site_id): """ :param scd_filename: Schedule file name :type scd_filename: str :param site_id: Three-letter radar site ID, for testing the experiment :type site_id: str """ self.scd_filename = scd_filename self.site_id = site_id """Default event to run if no other infinite duration line is scheduled""" self.scd_default = self.create_line( "20000101", "00:00", "normalscan", "common", "0", "-" )
[docs] def create_line( self, yyyymmdd, hhmm, experiment, scheduling_mode, prio, duration, kwargs="", embargo=False, ): """ Creates a line dictionary from inputs, turning the date and time into a timestamp since epoch. :param yyyymmdd: year/month/day string. :type yyyymmdd: str :param hhmm: hour/minute string. :type hhmm: str :param experiment: The experiment to run. :type experiment: str :param scheduling_mode: The type of scheduling mode. :type scheduling_mode: str :param prio: priority value. :type prio: str or int :param duration: an optional duration to run for. :type duration: str :param kwargs: kwargs for the experiment instantiation. Default None :type kwargs: str :param embargo: flag for embargoing files. (Default value = False) :type embargo: bool :returns: Dict of line params. :rtype: dict """ # create datetime from args to see if valid. Value error for incorrect format time = dt.datetime.strptime(yyyymmdd + " " + hhmm, self.scd_dt_fmt) epoch = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) epoch_milliseconds = int((time - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000) return { "timestamp": epoch_milliseconds, "time": time, "duration": str(duration), "prio": str(prio), "experiment": experiment, "scheduling_mode": scheduling_mode, "kwargs": kwargs, "embargo": embargo, }
[docs] def test_line(self, line_dict): """ Check validity of fields and run the line through experiment unit tests to check that the experiment will run. :param line_dict: Dictionary of parameters for the line (as returned from `create_line()`) :type line_dict: dict """ if not isinstance(line_dict["kwargs"], str): raise ValueError("kwargs should be a string") if not (0 <= int(line_dict["prio"]) <= 20): raise ValueError("Priority is out of bounds. 0 <= prio <= 20.") if line_dict["duration"] != "-": if ( isinstance(line_dict["duration"], float) or int(line_dict["duration"]) < 1 ): raise ValueError("Duration should be an integer > 0, or '-'") line_dict["duration"] = int(line_dict["duration"]) else: if int(line_dict["prio"]) > 0: raise ValueError("Infinite duration lines must have priority 0") possible_scheduling_modes = ["common", "special", "discretionary"] if line_dict["scheduling_mode"] not in possible_scheduling_modes: raise ValueError( f"Unknown scheduling mode type {line_dict['scheduling_mode']} not in " f"{possible_scheduling_modes}" ) args = [ "--site_id", self.site_id, "--experiments", line_dict["experiment"], "--kwargs", line_dict["kwargs"], "--module", "experiment_unittests", ] test_program = experiment_unittests.run_tests( args, buffer=True, print_results=False ) if ( len(test_program.result.failures) != 0 or len(test_program.result.errors) != 0 ): raise ValueError( "Experiment could not be scheduled due to errors in experiment.\n" f"Errors: {test_program.result.errors}\n" f"Failures: {test_program.result.failures}" )
[docs] def read_scd(self): """ Read and parse the Borealis schedule file. :returns: list of dicts containing schedule info :rtype: list(dict) :raises ValueError: if any lines have obvious errors :raises OSError: if SCD file cannot be opened """ with open(self.scd_filename, "r") as f: raw_scd = f.readlines() raw_scd = [line.split() for line in raw_scd] scd_lines = [] for num, line in enumerate(raw_scd): kwarg_entries = line[6:] embargo_flag = "--embargo" in kwarg_entries if embargo_flag: kwarg_entries.remove("--embargo") kwargs = " ".join(kwarg_entries) # date time experiment mode priority duration [kwargs] scd_lines.append( self.create_line( line[0], line[1], line[4], line[5], line[3], line[2], kwargs, embargo=embargo_flag, ) ) if len(scd_lines) == 0: print("WARNING: SCD file empty; default normalscan will run") # add the default infinite duration line scd_lines.append(self.scd_default) return scd_lines
[docs] @classmethod def fmt_line(cls, line_dict): """ Formats a dictionary with line info into a text line for file. :param line_dict: A dict that holds all the line info. :type line_dict: dict :returns: Formatted string. :rtype: str """ line_str = cls.line_fmt.format( datetime=line_dict["time"].strftime(cls.scd_dt_fmt), prio=line_dict["prio"], experiment=line_dict["experiment"], scheduling_mode=line_dict["scheduling_mode"], duration=line_dict["duration"], embargo="--embargo" if line_dict["embargo"] else "", kwargs=line_dict["kwargs"], ) return line_str
[docs] def write_scd(self, scd_lines): """ Creates SCD text lines and writes to file. Creates a backup of the old file before writing. Raises: PermissionError - When there are not sufficient permissions with the scd file FileNotFoundError - When the scd file doesn't exist IsADirectoryError - When the scd file given is a directory :param scd_lines: A list of dicts that contain the schedule line info. :type scd_lines: list(dict) """ text_lines = [self.fmt_line(x) for x in scd_lines] shutil.copy(self.scd_filename, self.scd_filename + ".bak") with open(self.scd_filename, "w") as f: for line in text_lines: f.write(f"{line}\n")
[docs] def add_line( self, yyyymmdd, hhmm, experiment, scheduling_mode, prio=0, duration="-", kwargs="", embargo=False, ): """ Adds a new line to the schedule. :param yyyymmdd: year/month/day string. :type yyyymmdd: str :param hhmm: hour/minute string. :type hhmm: str :param experiment: The experiment to run. :type experiment: str :param scheduling_mode: The mode type running for this time period. :type scheduling_mode: str :param prio: priority value. (Default value = 0) :type prio: int or str :param duration: duration to run for. (Default value = '-') :type duration: str :param kwargs: kwargs for the experiment instantiation. (Default value = '') :type kwargs: str :param embargo: flag for embargoing files. (Default value = False) :type embargo: bool :raises ValueError: If line parameters are invalid or if line is a duplicate. """ new_line = self.create_line( yyyymmdd, hhmm, experiment, scheduling_mode, prio, duration, kwargs, embargo=embargo, ) scd_lines = self.read_scd() if new_line in scd_lines: raise ValueError("Line is a duplicate of an existing line") if any( [ ( new_line["timestamp"] == line["timestamp"] and new_line["prio"] == line["prio"] ) for line in scd_lines ] ): raise ValueError("Priority already exists at this time") try: self.test_line(new_line) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Unable to add line:\n", str(e)) scd_lines.append(new_line) # sort priorities in reverse so that they are descending order. Then sort everything by # timestamp new_scd = sorted(scd_lines, key=lambda x: x["prio"], reverse=True) new_scd = sorted(new_scd, key=lambda x: x["timestamp"]) self.write_scd(new_scd)
[docs] def remove_line( self, yyyymmdd, hhmm, experiment, scheduling_mode, prio=0, duration="-", kwargs="", embargo=False, ): """ Removes a line from the schedule :param yyyymmdd: year/month/day string. :type yyyymmdd: str :param hhmm: hour/minute string. :type hhmm: str :param experiment: The experiment to run. :type experiment: str :param scheduling_mode: The mode type running for this time period. :type scheduling_mode: str :param prio: priority value. (Default value = 0) :type prio: int or str :param duration: an optional duration to run for. (Default value = '-') :type duration: str :param kwargs: kwargs for the experiment instantiation. (Default value = '') :type kwargs: str :param embargo: flag for embargoing files. (Default value = False) :type embargo: bool :raises ValueError: If line parameters are invalid or if line does not exist. """ line_to_rm = self.create_line( yyyymmdd, hhmm, experiment, scheduling_mode, prio, duration, kwargs, embargo=embargo, ) scd_lines = self.read_scd() try: scd_lines.remove(line_to_rm) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Line does not exist in SCD") self.write_scd(scd_lines)
[docs] def get_relevant_lines(self, yyyymmdd, hhmm): """ Gets the currently scheduled and future lines given a supplied time. If the provided time is equal to a scheduled line time, it provides that line and all future lines. If the provided time is between schedule line times, it provides any lines in the schedule from the past that haven't ended yet, plus the most recently timestamped infinite-duration line, plus all future lines. If the provided time is before any lines in the schedule, it provides all schedule lines. :param yyyymmdd: year/month/day string. :type yyyymmdd: str :param hhmm: hour/minute string. :type hhmm: str :returns: List of relevant dicts of line info. :rtype: list(dict) :raises ValueError: If datetime could not be created from supplied arguments. :raises IndexError: If schedule file is empty """ try: # create datetime from args to see if valid time = dt.datetime.strptime(yyyymmdd + " " + hhmm, self.scd_dt_fmt) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Can not create datetime from supplied formats") scd_lines = self.read_scd() # Sort the lines by timestamp, and for equal times, in reverse priority scd_lines = sorted(scd_lines, key=lambda x: x["prio"], reverse=True) scd_lines = sorted(scd_lines, key=lambda x: x["timestamp"]) if not scd_lines: raise IndexError("Schedule file is empty. No lines can be returned") epoch = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) epoch_milliseconds = int((time - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000) relevant_lines = [] past_infinite_line_added = False for line in reversed(scd_lines): if line["timestamp"] >= epoch_milliseconds: relevant_lines.append(line) else: # Include the most recent infinite line if line["duration"] == "-": if not past_infinite_line_added: relevant_lines.append(line) past_infinite_line_added = True else: # If the line ends after the current time, include the line duration_ms = int(line["duration"]) * 60 * 1000 line_end = line["timestamp"] + duration_ms if line_end >= epoch_milliseconds: relevant_lines.append(line) # Put the lines into chronological order (oldest to newest) relevant_lines.reverse() return relevant_lines
if __name__ == "__main__": filename = sys.argv[1] scd_util = SCDUtils(filename)