Source code for src.radar_control

#!/usr/bin/env python3

    radar_control process
    Radar_control is the process that runs the radar (sends pulses to the driver with
    timing information and sends processing information to the signal processing process).
    Experiment_handler provides the experiment for radar_control to run. It iterates
    through the interface_class_base objects to control the radar.

    :copyright: 2018 SuperDARN Canada
    :author: Marci Detwiller
import os
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import zmq
import pickle
import threading
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce

from experiment_prototype.experiment_prototype import ExperimentPrototype
from utils.options import Options
import utils.message_formats as messages
from utils import socket_operations

if __debug__:
    from build.debug.src.utils.protobuf.driverpacket_pb2 import DriverPacket
    from build.release.src.utils.protobuf.driverpacket_pb2 import DriverPacket


[docs]def setup_driver( radctrl_to_driver, driver_to_radctrl_iden, txctrfreq, rxctrfreq, txrate, rxrate ): """ First packet sent to driver for setup. :param radctrl_to_driver: the sender socket for sending the driverpacket :param driver_to_radctrl_iden: the receiver socket identity on the driver side :param txctrfreq: the transmit center frequency to tune to, kHz. :param rxctrfreq: the receive center frequency to tune to. With rx_sample_rate from config.ini file, this determines the received signal band, kHz. :param txrate: the tx sampling rate (Hz). :param rxrate: the rx sampling rate (Hz). """ driverpacket = DriverPacket() driverpacket.txcenterfreq = txctrfreq * 1000 # convert to Hz driverpacket.rxcenterfreq = rxctrfreq * 1000 # convert to Hz driverpacket.txrate = txrate driverpacket.rxrate = rxrate socket_operations.send_pulse( radctrl_to_driver, driver_to_radctrl_iden, driverpacket.SerializeToString() ) socket_operations.recv_data(radctrl_to_driver, driver_to_radctrl_iden, log)
[docs]def data_to_driver( radctrl_to_driver, driver_to_radctrl_iden, samples_array, txctrfreq, rxctrfreq, txrate, rxrate, numberofreceivesamples, seqtime, SOB, EOB, timing, seqnum, align_sequences, repeat=False, ): """ Place data in the driver packet and send it via zeromq to the driver. :param radctrl_to_driver: the sender socket for sending the driverpacket :param driver_to_radctrl_iden: the reciever socket identity on the driver side :param samples_array: this is a list of length main_antenna_count from the config file. It contains one numpy array of complex values per antenna. If the antenna will not be transmitted on, it contains a numpy array of zeros of the same length as the rest. All arrays will have the same length according to the pulse length. :param txctrfreq: the transmit center frequency to tune to. :param rxctrfreq: the receive center frequency to tune to. With rx_sample_rate from config.ini file, this determines the received signal band. :param txrate: the tx sampling rate (Hz). :param rxrate: the rx sampling rate (Hz). :param numberofreceivesamples: number of samples to receive at the rx_sample_rate from config.ini file. This determines length of Scope Sync GPIO being high for this sequence. :param seqtime: relative timing offset :param SOB: start of burst boolean, true for first pulse in sequence. :param EOB: end of burst boolean, true for last pulse in sequence. :param timing: in us, the time past timezero to send this pulse. Timezero is the start of the sequence. :param seqnum: the sequence number. This is a unique identifier for the sequence that is always increasing with increasing sequences while radar_control is running. It is only reset when program restarts. :param align_sequences: a boolean indicating whether to align the start of the sequence to a clean tenth of a second. :param repeat: a boolean indicating whether the pulse is the exact same as the last pulse in the sequence, in which case we will save the time and not send the samples list and other params that will be the same. """ driverpacket = DriverPacket() driverpacket.timetosendsamples = timing driverpacket.SOB = SOB driverpacket.EOB = EOB driverpacket.sequence_num = seqnum driverpacket.numberofreceivesamples = numberofreceivesamples driverpacket.seqtime = seqtime driverpacket.align_sequences = align_sequences if repeat: # antennas empty # samples empty # ctrfreq empty # rxrate and txrate empty log.debug("repeat timing", timing=timing, sob=SOB, eob=EOB) else: # Setup data to send to driver for transmit. for ant_idx in range(samples_array.shape[0]): sample_add = driverpacket.channel_samples.add() # Add one Samples message for each channel possible in config. # Any unused channels will be sent zeros. # Protobuf expects types: int, long, or float, will reject numpy types and # throw a TypeError so we must convert the numpy arrays to lists sample_add.real.extend(samples_array[ant_idx, :].real.tolist()) sample_add.imag.extend(samples_array[ant_idx, :].imag.tolist()) driverpacket.txcenterfreq = txctrfreq * 1000 # convert to Hz driverpacket.rxcenterfreq = rxctrfreq * 1000 # convert to Hz driverpacket.txrate = txrate driverpacket.rxrate = rxrate driverpacket.numberofreceivesamples = numberofreceivesamples log.debug("non-repeat timing", timing=timing, sob=SOB, eob=EOB) socket_operations.send_pulse( radctrl_to_driver, driver_to_radctrl_iden, driverpacket.SerializeToString() )
[docs]def send_dsp_metadata( radctrl_to_dsp, dsp_radctrl_iden, radctrl_to_brian, brian_radctrl_iden, rxrate, output_sample_rate, seqnum, slice_ids, slice_dict, beam_dict, sequence_time, first_rx_sample_start, rxctrfreq, pulse_phase_offsets, decimation_scheme=None, ): """ Place data in the receiver packet and send it via zeromq to the signal processing unit and brian. Happens every sequence. :param radctrl_to_dsp: The sender socket for sending data to dsp :param dsp_radctrl_iden: The receiver socket identity on the dsp side :param radctrl_to_brian: The sender socket for sending data to brian :param brian_radctrl_iden: The receiver socket identity on the brian side :param rxrate: The receive sampling rate (Hz). :param output_sample_rate: The output sample rate desired for the output data (Hz). :param seqnum: the sequence number. This is a unique identifier for the sequence that is always increasing with increasing sequences while radar_control is running. It is only reset when program restarts. :param slice_ids: The identifiers of the slices that are combined in this sequence. These IDs tell us where to look in the beam dictionary and slice dictionary for frequency information and beam direction information about this sequence to give to the signal processing unit. :param slice_dict: The slice dictionary, which contains information about all slices and will be referenced for information about the slices in this sequence. Namely, we get the frequency we want to receive at, the number of ranges and the first range information. :param beam_dict: The dictionary containing beam directions for each slice. :param sequence_time: entire duration of sequence, including receive time after all transmissions. :param first_rx_sample_start: The sample where the first rx sample will start relative to the tx data. :param rxctrfreq: the center frequency of receiving. :param pulse_phase_offsets: Phase offsets (degrees) applied to each pulse in the sequence :param decimation_scheme: object of type DecimationScheme that has all decimation and filtering data. """ # TODO: does the for loop below need to happen every time. Could be only updated # as necessary to make it more efficient. message = messages.SequenceMetadataMessage() message.sequence_time = sequence_time message.sequence_num = seqnum message.offset_to_first_rx_sample = first_rx_sample_start message.rx_rate = rxrate message.output_sample_rate = output_sample_rate message.rx_ctr_freq = rxctrfreq * 1.0e3 if decimation_scheme is not None: for stage in decimation_scheme.stages: dm_stage_add = messages.DecimationStageMessage( stage.stage_num, stage.input_rate, stage.dm_rate, stage.filter_taps ) message.add_decimation_stage(dm_stage_add) for slice_id in slice_ids: chan_add = messages.RxChannel(slice_id) chan_add.tau_spacing = slice_dict[slice_id].tau_spacing # Send the translational frequencies to dsp in order to bandpass filter correctly. if slice_dict[slice_id].clrfrqflag: pass # TODO - get freq from clear frequency search. else: chan_add.rx_freq = slice_dict[slice_id].freq * 1.0e3 chan_add.num_ranges = slice_dict[slice_id].num_ranges chan_add.first_range = slice_dict[slice_id].first_range chan_add.range_sep = slice_dict[slice_id].range_sep chan_add.rx_intf_antennas = slice_dict[slice_id].rx_intf_antennas main_bms = beam_dict[slice_id]["main"] intf_bms = beam_dict[slice_id]["intf"] # Combine main and intf such that for a given beam all main phases come first. beams = np.hstack((main_bms, intf_bms)) chan_add.beam_phases = np.array(beams) for lag in slice_dict[slice_id].lag_table: lag_add = messages.Lag(lag[0], lag[1], int(lag[1] - lag[0])) # Get the phase offset for this pulse combination if len(pulse_phase_offsets[slice_id]) != 0: pulse_phase_offset = pulse_phase_offsets[slice_id][-1] lag0_idx = slice_dict[slice_id].pulse_sequence.index(lag[0]) lag1_idx = slice_dict[slice_id].pulse_sequence.index(lag[1]) phase_in_rad = np.radians( pulse_phase_offset[lag0_idx] - pulse_phase_offset[lag1_idx] ) phase_offset = np.exp(1j * np.array(phase_in_rad, np.float32)) # Catch case where no pulse phase offsets are specified else: phase_offset = 1.0 + 0.0j lag_add.phase_offset_real = np.real(phase_offset) lag_add.phase_offset_imag = np.imag(phase_offset) chan_add.add_lag(lag_add) message.add_rx_channel(chan_add) # Brian requests sequence metadata for timeouts if TIME_PROFILE: time_waiting = time.perf_counter() request = socket_operations.recv_request(radctrl_to_brian, brian_radctrl_iden, log) log.debug("brian requested", request=request) if TIME_PROFILE: time_done = time.perf_counter() - time_waiting log.verbose( "waiting time for metadata request", metadata_time=time_done * 1e3, metadata_time_units="ms", ) bytes_packet = pickle.dumps(message, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) socket_operations.send_obj(radctrl_to_brian, brian_radctrl_iden, bytes_packet) socket_operations.send_obj( radctrl_to_dsp, dsp_radctrl_iden, pickle.dumps(message, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL), )
[docs]def search_for_experiment(radar_control_to_exp_handler, exphan_to_radctrl_iden, status): """ Check for new experiments from the experiment handler :param radar_control_to_exp_handler: TODO :param exphan_to_radctrl_iden: The TODO :param status: status string (EXP_NEEDED or NO_ERROR). :returns new_experiment_received: boolean (True for new experiment received) :returns experiment: experiment instance (or None if there is no new experiment) """ try: socket_operations.send_request( radar_control_to_exp_handler, exphan_to_radctrl_iden, status ) except zmq.ZMQBaseError as e: log.error("zmq failed request", error=e) log.exception("zmq failed request", exception=e) sys.exit(1) experiment = None new_experiment_received = False try: serialized_exp = socket_operations.recv_exp( radar_control_to_exp_handler, exphan_to_radctrl_iden, log ) except zmq.ZMQBaseError as e: log.error("zmq failed receive", error=e) log.exception("zmq failed receive", exception=e) sys.exit(1) new_exp = pickle.loads(serialized_exp) # Protocol detected automatically if isinstance(new_exp, ExperimentPrototype): experiment = new_exp new_experiment_received = True"new experiment found") elif new_exp is not None: log.debug("received non experiment_prototype type") else: log.debug("experiment continuing without update") # TODO decide what to do here. I think we need this case if someone doesn't build their experiment properly return new_experiment_received, experiment
[docs]def send_datawrite_metadata( radctrl_to_datawrite, datawrite_radctrl_iden, seqnum, num_sequences, scan_flag, inttime, sequences, beam_iter, experiment_id, experiment_name, scheduling_mode, output_sample_rate, experiment_comment, filter_scaling_factors, rx_center_freq, debug_samples=None, ): """ Send the metadata about this averaging period to datawrite so that it can be recorded. :param radctrl_to_datawrite: The socket to send the packet on. :param datawrite_radctrl_iden: Identity of datawrite on the socket. :param seqnum: The last sequence number (identifier) that is valid for this averaging period. Used to verify and synchronize driver, dsp, datawrite. :param num_sequences: The number of sequences that were sent in this averaging period. (number of sequences to average together). :param scan_flag: True if this averaging period is the first in a scan. :param inttime: The time that expired during this averaging period. :param sequences: The sequences of class Sequence for this averaging period (AveragingPeriod). :param beam_iter: The beam iterator of this averaging period. :param experiment_id: the ID of the experiment that is running :param experiment_name: the experiment name to be placed in the data files. :param scheduling_mode: the type of scheduling mode running at this time, to write to file. :param output_sample_rate: The output sample rate of the output data, defined by the experiment, in Hz. :param experiment_comment: The comment string for the experiment, user-defined. :param filter_scaling_factors: The decimation scheme scaling factors used for the experiment, to get the scaling for the data for accurate power measurements between experiments. :param rx_center_freq: The receive center frequency (kHz) :param debug_samples: the debug samples for this averaging period, to be written to the file if debug is set. This is a list of dictionaries for each Sequence in the AveragingPeriod. The dictionary is set up in the sample_building module function create_debug_sequence_samples. The keys are 'txrate', 'txctrfreq', 'pulse_timing', 'pulse_sample_start', 'sequence_samples', 'decimated_sequence', and 'dmrate'. The 'sequence_samples' and 'decimated_samples' values are themselves dictionaries, where the keys are the antenna numbers (there is a sample set for each transmit antenna). """ message = messages.AveperiodMetadataMessage() message.experiment_id = experiment_id message.experiment_name = experiment_name message.experiment_comment = experiment_comment message.rx_ctr_freq = rx_center_freq message.num_sequences = num_sequences message.last_sqn_num = seqnum message.scan_flag = scan_flag message.aveperiod_time = inttime.total_seconds() message.output_sample_rate = output_sample_rate message.data_normalization_factor = reduce( lambda x, y: x * y, filter_scaling_factors ) # multiply all message.scheduling_mode = scheduling_mode for sequence_index, sequence in enumerate(sequences): sequence_add = messages.Sequence() sequence_add.blanks = sequence.blanks if debug_samples: tx_data = messages.TxData() tx_data.tx_rate = debug_samples[sequence_index]["txrate"] tx_data.tx_ctr_freq = debug_samples[sequence_index]["txctrfreq"] tx_data.pulse_timing_us = debug_samples[sequence_index]["pulse_timing"] tx_data.pulse_sample_start = debug_samples[sequence_index][ "pulse_sample_start" ] tx_data.tx_samples = debug_samples[sequence_index]["sequence_samples"] tx_data.dm_rate = debug_samples[sequence_index]["dmrate"] tx_data.decimated_tx_samples = debug_samples[sequence_index][ "decimated_samples" ] sequence_add.tx_data = tx_data for slice_id in sequence.slice_ids: sqn_slice = sequence.slice_dict[slice_id] rxchannel = messages.RxChannelMetadata() rxchannel.slice_id = slice_id rxchannel.slice_comment = sqn_slice.comment rxchannel.interfacing = "{}".format(sqn_slice.slice_interfacing) rxchannel.rx_only = sqn_slice.rxonly rxchannel.pulse_len = sqn_slice.pulse_len rxchannel.tau_spacing = sqn_slice.tau_spacing rxchannel.rx_freq = sqn_slice.freq rxchannel.ptab = sqn_slice.pulse_sequence # We always build one sequence in advance, so we trim the last one from when radar # control stops processing the averaging period. for encoding in sequence.output_encodings[slice_id][:num_sequences]: rxchannel.add_sqn_encodings(encoding.flatten().tolist()) sequence.output_encodings[slice_id] = [] rxchannel.rx_main_antennas = sqn_slice.rx_main_antennas rxchannel.rx_intf_antennas = sqn_slice.rx_intf_antennas rxchannel.tx_antenna_phases = sequence.tx_main_phase_shifts[slice_id][ beam_iter ] beams = sqn_slice.rx_beam_order[beam_iter] if isinstance(beams, int): beams = [beams] rx_main_phases = [] rx_intf_phases = [] for beam in beams: beam_add = messages.Beam(sqn_slice.beam_angle[beam], beam) rxchannel.add_beam(beam_add) rx_main_phases.append( sequence.rx_beam_phases[slice_id]["main"][ beam, sequence.rx_main_antenna_indices[slice_id] ] ) rx_intf_phases.append( sequence.rx_beam_phases[slice_id]["intf"][ beam, sequence.rx_intf_antenna_indices[slice_id] ] ) rxchannel.rx_main_phases = np.array(rx_main_phases, dtype=np.complex64) rxchannel.rx_intf_phases = np.array(rx_intf_phases, dtype=np.complex64) rxchannel.first_range = float(sqn_slice.first_range) rxchannel.num_ranges = sqn_slice.num_ranges rxchannel.range_sep = sqn_slice.range_sep if sqn_slice.acf: rxchannel.acf = sqn_slice.acf rxchannel.xcf = sqn_slice.xcf rxchannel.acfint = sqn_slice.acfint for lag in sqn_slice.lag_table: lag_add = messages.LagTable(lag, int(lag[1] - lag[0])) rxchannel.add_ltab(lag_add) rxchannel.averaging_method = sqn_slice.averaging_method sequence_add.add_rx_channel(rxchannel) message.sequences.append(sequence_add) log.debug("sending metadata to data_write") socket_operations.send_bytes( radctrl_to_datawrite, datawrite_radctrl_iden, pickle.dumps(message, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL), )
[docs]def round_up_time(dt=None, round_to=60): """ Round a datetime object to any time lapse in seconds :param dt: datetime.datetime object, default now. :param round_to: Closest number of seconds to round to, default 1 minute. :author: Thierry Husson 2012 - Use it as you want but don't blame me. :modified: K.Kotyk 2019 Will round to the nearest minute mark. Adds one minute if rounded down. """ if dt is None: dt = datetime.utcnow() midnight = dt.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) seconds = (dt.replace(tzinfo=None) - midnight).seconds rounding = (seconds + round_to / 2) // round_to * round_to result = dt + timedelta(0, rounding - seconds, -dt.microsecond) if result < dt: result += timedelta(minutes=1) return result
[docs]def main(): """ Run the radar with the experiment supplied by experiment_handler. Receives an instance of an experiment. Iterates through the Scans, AveragingPeriods, Sequences, and pulses of the experiment. For every pulse, samples and other control information are sent to the n200_driver. For every pulse sequence, processing information is sent to the signal processing block. After every averaging period, the experiment block is given the opportunity to change the experiment (not currently implemented). If a new experiment is sent, radar will halt the old one and begin with the new experiment. """ # Get config options options = Options() # The socket identities for radar_control, retrieved from options ids = [ options.radctrl_to_exphan_identity, options.radctrl_to_dsp_identity, options.radctrl_to_driver_identity, options.radctrl_to_brian_identity, options.radctrl_to_dw_identity, ] # Setup sockets # Socket to send pulse samples over # TODO test: need to make sure that we know that all sockets are set up after this try...except block. # TODO test: starting the programs in different orders. try: sockets_list = socket_operations.create_sockets(ids, options.router_address) except zmq.ZMQBaseError as e: log.error("zmq failed setting up sockets", error=e) log.exception("zmq failed setting up sockets", exception=e) sys.exit(1) radar_control_to_exp_handler = sockets_list[0] radar_control_to_dsp = sockets_list[1] radar_control_to_driver = sockets_list[2] radar_control_to_brian = sockets_list[3] radar_control_to_dw = sockets_list[4] # seqnum is used as a identifier in all packets while radar is running so set it up here. # seqnum will get increased by num_sequences (number of averages or sequences in the averaging period) # at the end of every averaging period. seqnum_start = 0 # Wait for experiment handler at the start until we have an experiment to run. new_experiment_waiting = False while not new_experiment_waiting: new_experiment_waiting, experiment = search_for_experiment( radar_control_to_exp_handler, options.exphan_to_radctrl_identity, "EXPNEEDED", ) new_experiment_waiting = False new_experiment_loaded = True # Flag for starting the radar on the minute boundary wait_for_first_scanbound = experiment.slice_dict.get("wait_for_first_scanbound") # Send driver initial setup data - rates and center frequency from experiment. # Wait for acknowledgment that USRP object is set up. setup_driver( radar_control_to_driver, options.driver_to_radctrl_identity, experiment.slice_dict[0].txctrfreq, experiment.slice_dict[0].rxctrfreq, experiment.txrate, experiment.rxrate, ) first_aveperiod = True next_scan_start = None while True: # This loops through all scans in an experiment, or restarts this loop if a new experiment occurs. # TODO : further documentation throughout in comments (high level) and in separate documentation. # Iterate through Scans, AveragingPeriods, Sequences, Pulses. # Start anew on first scan if we have a new experiment. if new_experiment_waiting: try: experiment = new_experiment except NameError as e: # new_experiment does not exist, should never happen as flag only gets set when # there is a new experiment. log.error("experiment could not be found", error=e) log.exception("experiment could not be found", exception=e) sys.exit(1) new_experiment_waiting = False new_experiment = None new_experiment_loaded = True for scan_num, scan in enumerate(experiment.scan_objects): log.debug("scan number", scan_num=scan_num) # Scan iter is the iterator through the scanbound or through the number of averaging periods in the scan if ( first_aveperiod and scan.scanbound is not None and not wait_for_first_scanbound ): # On first integration, determine current averaging period and set scan_iter to it now = datetime.utcnow() current_minute = now.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) scan_iter = next( ( i for i, v in enumerate(scan.scanbound) if current_minute + timedelta(seconds=v) > now ), 0, ) else: # Otherwise start at first averaging period scan_iter = 0 # If a new experiment was received during the last scan, it finished the integration period # it was on and returned here with new_experiment_waiting set to True. Break to load new experiment. # Start anew on first scan if we have a new experiment if new_experiment_waiting: break if scan.scanbound: if scan.align_scan_to_beamorder: for aveperiod in scan.aveperiods: # Always align first beam at start of scan aveperiod.beam_iter = 0 # Find the start of the next scan with a scanbound so we can determine time remaining for end of scan next_scanbound = None next_scan_num = scan_num while next_scanbound is None: next_scan_num += 1 if next_scan_num == len(experiment.scan_objects): next_scan_num = 0 next_scanbound = experiment.scan_objects[next_scan_num].scanbound if first_aveperiod: # On the very first averaging period of Borealis starting, calculate the start minute # align scanbound reference time to find when to start now = datetime.utcnow() dt = now.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) if dt + timedelta(seconds=scan.scanbound[scan_iter]) >= now: start_minute = dt else: start_minute = round_up_time(now) else: # At the start of a scan object that has scanbound, recalculate the start minute to the # previously calculated next_scan_start start_minute = next_scan_start.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) # Find the modulus of the number of aveperiod times to run in the scan and the number # of AvePeriod classes. The classes will be alternated so we can determine which class # will be running at the end of the scan. index_of_last_aveperiod_in_scan = ( scan.num_aveperiods_in_scan + scan.aveperiod_iter ) % len(scan.aveperiods) last_aveperiod_intt = scan.aveperiods[ index_of_last_aveperiod_in_scan ].intt # A scanbound necessitates intt end_of_scan = ( start_minute + timedelta(seconds=scan.scanbound[-1]) + timedelta(seconds=last_aveperiod_intt * 1e-3) ) end_minute = end_of_scan.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) if end_minute + timedelta(seconds=next_scanbound[0]) >= end_of_scan: next_scan_start = end_minute + timedelta(seconds=next_scanbound[0]) else: next_scan_start = round_up_time(end_of_scan) + timedelta( seconds=next_scanbound[0] ) while ( scan_iter < scan.num_aveperiods_in_scan and not new_experiment_waiting ): # If there are multiple aveperiods in a scan they are alternated (AVEPERIOD interfaced) aveperiod = scan.aveperiods[scan.aveperiod_iter] if TIME_PROFILE: time_start_of_aveperiod = datetime.utcnow() # Get new experiment here, before starting a new averaging period. # If new_experiment_waiting is set here, implement new_experiment after this # averaging period. There may be a new experiment waiting, or a new experiment. if not new_experiment_waiting and not new_experiment_loaded: new_experiment_waiting, new_experiment = search_for_experiment( radar_control_to_exp_handler, options.exphan_to_radctrl_identity, "NOERROR", ) elif new_experiment_loaded: new_experiment_loaded = False log.debug("new averaging period") # All phases are set up for this averaging period for the beams required. # Time to start averaging in the below loop. if not scan.scanbound: averaging_period_start_time = datetime.utcnow() # ms log.verbose( "averaging period start time", averaging_period_start_time=averaging_period_start_time, averaging_period_start_time_units="", ) if aveperiod.intt is not None: intt_break = True if scan.scanbound: # Calculate scan start time. First beam in the sequence will likely # be ready to go if the first scan aligns directly to the minute. The # rest will need to wait until their boundary time is up. beam_scanbound = start_minute + timedelta( seconds=scan.scanbound[scan_iter] ) time_diff = beam_scanbound - datetime.utcnow() if time_diff.total_seconds() > 0: if first_aveperiod: log.verbose( "seconds to next avg period", time_until_avg_period=time_diff.total_seconds(), time_until_avg_period_units="s", scan_iter=scan_iter, beam_scanbound=beam_scanbound, ) else: log.debug( "seconds to next avg period", time_until_avg_period=time_diff.total_seconds(), time_until_avg_period_units="s", scan_iter=scan_iter, beam_scanbound=beam_scanbound, ) # TODO: reduce sleep if we want to use GPS timestamped transmissions time.sleep(time_diff.total_seconds()) else: # TODO: This will be wrong if the start time is in the past. # TODO: maybe use datetime.utcnow() like below instead of beam_scanbound # when the avg period should have started? log.debug( "expected avg period start time", scan_iter=scan_iter, beam_scanbound=beam_scanbound, ) averaging_period_start_time = datetime.utcnow() log.verbose( "avg period start time", avg_period_start_time=averaging_period_start_time, avg_period_start_time_units="s", scan_iter=scan_iter, beam_scanbound=beam_scanbound, ) # Here we find how much system time has elapsed to find the true amount # of time we can integrate for this scan boundary. We can then see if # we have enough time left to run the averaging period. time_elapsed = averaging_period_start_time - start_minute if scan_iter < len(scan.scanbound) - 1: scanbound_time = scan.scanbound[scan_iter + 1] # TODO: scanbound_time could be in the past if system has taken # too long, perhaps calculate which 'beam' (scan_iter) instead by # rewriting this code for an experiment-wide scanbound attribute instead # of individual scanbounds inside the scan objects # TODO: if scan_iter skips ahead, aveperiod.beam_iter may also need to # if scan.align_to_beamorder is True bound_time_remaining = ( scanbound_time - time_elapsed.total_seconds() ) else: bound_time_remaining = ( next_scan_start - averaging_period_start_time ) bound_time_remaining = bound_time_remaining.total_seconds() log.verbose( "bound time remaining", bound_time_remaining=bound_time_remaining, bound_time_remaining_units="s", scan_num=scan_num, scan_iter=scan_iter, # scan_iter is averaging period number for some reason beam_scanbound=beam_scanbound, ) if bound_time_remaining < aveperiod.intt * 1e-3: # Reduce the averaging period to only the time remaining until the next scan boundary # TODO: Check for bound_time_remaining > 0 # to be sure there is actually time to run this intt # (if bound_time_remaining < 0, we need a solution to reset) averaging_period_done_time = ( averaging_period_start_time + timedelta(milliseconds=bound_time_remaining * 1e3) ) else: averaging_period_done_time = ( averaging_period_start_time + timedelta(milliseconds=aveperiod.intt) ) else: # No scanbound for this scan averaging_period_done_time = ( averaging_period_start_time + timedelta(milliseconds=aveperiod.intt) ) else: # intt does not exist, therefore using intn intt_break = False ending_number_of_sequences = aveperiod.intn # this will exist msg = { x: y[aveperiod.beam_iter] for x, y in aveperiod.slice_to_beamorder.items() } log.verbose("avg period slice and beam number", slice_and_beam=msg) if TIME_PROFILE: aveperiod_prep_time = datetime.utcnow() - time_start_of_aveperiod log.verbose( "time to prep aveperiod", aveperiod_prep_time=aveperiod_prep_time, aveperiod_prep_time_units="", ) # Time to start averaging in the below loop num_sequences = 0 time_remains = True pulse_transmit_data_tracker = {} debug_samples = [] while time_remains: for sequence_index, sequence in enumerate(aveperiod.sequences): # Alternating sequences if there are multiple in the averaging_period start_time = datetime.utcnow() if intt_break: if start_time >= averaging_period_done_time: time_remains = False averaging_period_time = ( start_time - averaging_period_start_time ) break else: # Break at a certain number of sequences if num_sequences == ending_number_of_sequences: time_remains = False averaging_period_time = ( start_time - averaging_period_start_time ) break # On first sequence, we make the first set of samples if sequence_index not in pulse_transmit_data_tracker: pulse_transmit_data_tracker[sequence_index] = {} sqn, dbg = sequence.make_sequence( aveperiod.beam_iter, num_sequences ) if dbg: debug_samples.append(dbg) pulse_transmit_data_tracker[sequence_index][ num_sequences ] = sqn decimation_scheme = sequence.decimation_scheme def send_pulses(): for pulse_transmit_data in pulse_transmit_data_tracker[ sequence_index ][num_sequences]: data_to_driver( radar_control_to_driver, options.driver_to_radctrl_identity, pulse_transmit_data["samples_array"], sequence.txctrfreq, sequence.rxctrfreq, experiment.txrate, experiment.rxrate, sequence.numberofreceivesamples, sequence.seqtime, pulse_transmit_data["startofburst"], pulse_transmit_data["endofburst"], pulse_transmit_data["timing"], seqnum_start + num_sequences, sequence.align_sequences, repeat=pulse_transmit_data["isarepeat"], ) if TIME_PROFILE: pulses_to_driver_time = datetime.utcnow() - start_time log.verbose( "pulses to driver time", pulses_to_driver_time=pulses_to_driver_time, pulses_to_driver_time_units="s", ) def send_dsp_meta(): rx_beam_phases = sequence.get_rx_phases(aveperiod.beam_iter) send_dsp_metadata( radar_control_to_dsp, options.dsp_to_radctrl_identity, radar_control_to_brian, options.brian_to_radctrl_identity, experiment.rxrate, experiment.output_rx_rate, seqnum_start + num_sequences, sequence.slice_ids, experiment.slice_dict, rx_beam_phases, sequence.seqtime, sequence.first_rx_sample_start, sequence.rxctrfreq, sequence.output_encodings, sequence.decimation_scheme, ) if TIME_PROFILE: sequence_metadata_time = datetime.utcnow() - start_time log.verbose( "metadata to dsp time", sequence_metadata_time=sequence_metadata_time, sequence_metadata_time_units="s", ) def make_next_samples(): sqn, dbg = sequence.make_sequence( aveperiod.beam_iter, num_sequences + len(aveperiod.sequences), ) if dbg: debug_samples.append(dbg) pulse_transmit_data_tracker[sequence_index][ num_sequences + len(aveperiod.sequences) ] = sqn if TIME_PROFILE: new_sequence_time = datetime.utcnow() - start_time log.verbose( "make new sequence time", new_sequence_time=new_sequence_time, new_sequence_time_units="s", ) # These three things can happen simultaneously. We can spawn them as threads. threads = [ threading.Thread(target=send_pulses), threading.Thread(target=send_dsp_meta), threading.Thread(target=make_next_samples), ] for thread in threads: thread.daemon = True thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() num_sequences += 1 if first_aveperiod: first_aveperiod = False # Sequence is done if __debug__: time.sleep(1) if TIME_PROFILE: avg_period_end_time = datetime.utcnow() log.verbose( "avg period end time", avg_period_end_time=avg_period_end_time, avg_period_end_time_units="s", ) "aveperiod done", num_sequences=num_sequences, slice_ids=aveperiod.slice_ids, ) if scan.aveperiod_iter == 0 and aveperiod.beam_iter == 0: # This is the first averaging period in the scan object. # if scanbound is aligned to beamorder, the scan_iter will also = 0 at this point. scan_flag = True else: scan_flag = False last_sequence_num = seqnum_start + num_sequences - 1 def send_dw(): send_datawrite_metadata( radar_control_to_dw, options.dw_to_radctrl_identity, last_sequence_num, num_sequences, scan_flag, averaging_period_time, aveperiod.sequences, aveperiod.beam_iter, experiment.cpid, experiment.experiment_name, experiment.scheduling_mode, experiment.output_rx_rate, experiment.comment_string, decimation_scheme.filter_scaling_factors, experiment.slice_dict[0].rxctrfreq, debug_samples=debug_samples, ) thread = threading.Thread(target=send_dw) thread.daemon = True thread.start() # end of the averaging period loop - move onto the next averaging period. # Increment the sequence number by the number of sequences that were in this # averaging period. seqnum_start += num_sequences if TIME_PROFILE: time_to_finish_aveperiod = datetime.utcnow() - avg_period_end_time log.verbose( "time to finish avg period", avg_period_elapsed_time=time_to_finish_aveperiod, avg_period_elapsed_time_units="s", ) aveperiod.beam_iter += 1 if aveperiod.beam_iter == aveperiod.num_beams_in_scan: aveperiod.beam_iter = 0 scan_iter += 1 scan.aveperiod_iter += 1 if scan.aveperiod_iter == len(scan.aveperiods): scan.aveperiod_iter = 0
if __name__ == "__main__": from utils import log_config log = log_config.log()"RADAR_CONTROL BOOTED") try: main()"RADAR_CONTROL EXITED") except Exception as main_exception: log.critical("RADAR_CONTROL CRASHED", error=main_exception) log.exception("RADAR_CONTROL CRASHED", exception=main_exception)