Source code for src.utils.signals

    This file contains the digital signal processing functionality of Borealis. This includes generation of pulses,
    determination of antenna phases for beamforming, filtering and downsampling of received signals, beamforming of
    filtered signals, and extraction of lag profiles from beamformed samples.

    :copyright: 2024 SuperDARN Canada
    :author: Remington Rohel

from functools import reduce
import math
from multiprocessing import shared_memory

from scipy.constants import speed_of_light
import numpy as np

    import cupy as xp
except ImportError:
    cupy_available = False
    import numpy as xp
    cupy_available = True

[docs]class DSP: """ This class performs the digital signal processing functions of Borealis. Filtering and downsampling are specified by lists of filter taps and downsampling factors, which must have the same length. The first filter stage is always a bandpass filter, specified by a list of mixing frequencies which can be selected simultaneously. All subsequent filter stages are lowpass. Beamforming can also be conducted on the filtered and downsampled data, requiring a list of complex antenna phases for the beamforming operation. Multiple beams can be formed simultaneously. This class also supports extraction of lag profiles from multi-pulse sequences. """ def __init__( self, rx_rate, filter_taps, mixing_freqs, dm_rates, use_shared_mem=True ): """ Create the filters and initialize parameters for signal processing operations. :param rx_rate: The wideband rx rate. :type rx_rate: float :param dm_rates: The decimation rates at each stage. :type dm_rates: list :param filter_taps: The filter taps to use at each stage. :type filter_taps: ndarray :param mixing_freqs: The freqs used to mix to baseband. :type mixing_freqs: list :param use_shared_mem: Flag to use shared memory for CPU arrays :type use_shared_mem: bool """ self.filters = None self.filter_outputs = [] self.beamformed_samples = None self.antennas_iq_samples = None self.shared_mem = {} self.use_shared_mem = use_shared_mem self.rx_rate = rx_rate self.mixing_freqs = mixing_freqs self.dm_rates = dm_rates self.filters = self.create_filters(filter_taps, mixing_freqs, rx_rate)
[docs] def apply_filters(self, input_samples): """ Applies the multi-stage filter to input_samples. Filter results are kept on the same device as input_samples. :param input_samples: The wideband samples to operate on. :type input_samples: ndarray """ # Apply the filtering and downsampling operations self.filter_outputs.append( self.apply_bandpass_decimate( input_samples, self.filters[0], self.mixing_freqs, self.dm_rates[0], self.rx_rate, ) ) for i in range(1, len(self.filters)): self.filter_outputs.append( self.apply_lowpass_decimate( self.filter_outputs[i - 1], self.filters[i], self.dm_rates[i] ) )
[docs] def move_filter_results(self): """ Move the final results of filtering (antennas_iq data) to the CPU, optionally in SharedMemory if specified for this instance. """ # Create an array on the CPU for antennas_iq data antennas_iq_samples = self.filter_outputs[-1] if self.use_shared_mem: ant_shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory( create=True, size=antennas_iq_samples.nbytes ) buffer = ant_shm.buf self.shared_mem["antennas_iq"] = ant_shm else: buffer = None self.antennas_iq_samples = np.ndarray( antennas_iq_samples.shape, dtype=np.complex64, buffer=buffer ) # Move the antennas_iq samples to the CPU for beamforming if cupy_available: self.antennas_iq_samples[...] = xp.asnumpy(antennas_iq_samples)[...] else: self.antennas_iq_samples[...] = antennas_iq_samples[...]
[docs] def beamform(self, beam_phases): """ Applies the beamforming operation to the antennas_iq samples. Different beam directions are formed in parallel, and the results are stored in SharedMemory if so specified for this instance. :param beam_phases: The phases used to beamform the filtered samples. :type beam_phases: list """ # beam_phases: [num_slices, num_beams, num_antennas] beam_phases = np.array(beam_phases) # Create shared memory for result of beamforming # final_shape: [num_slices, num_beams, num_samples] final_shape = ( self.antennas_iq_samples.shape[0], beam_phases.shape[1], self.antennas_iq_samples.shape[2], ) final_size = np.dtype(np.complex64).itemsize * reduce( lambda a, b: a * b, final_shape ) if self.use_shared_mem: bf_shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(create=True, size=final_size) buffer = bf_shm.buf self.shared_mem["bfiq"] = bf_shm else: buffer = None self.beamformed_samples = np.ndarray( final_shape, dtype=np.complex64, buffer=buffer ) # Apply beamforming self.beamformed_samples[...] = self.beamform_samples( self.antennas_iq_samples, beam_phases )
[docs] @staticmethod def create_filters(filter_taps, mixing_freqs, rx_rate): """ Creates and shapes the filters arrays using the original sets of filter taps. The first stage filters are mixed to bandpass and the low pass filters are reshaped. The filters coefficients are typically symmetric, except for the first-stage bandpass filters. Mixing frequencies should be given as an offset from the center frequency. For example, with 12 MHz center frequency and a 10.5 MHz transmit frequency, the mixing frequency should be -1.5 MHz. :param filter_taps: The filter taps from the experiment decimation scheme. :type filter_taps: list :param mixing_freqs: The frequencies used to mix the first stage filter for bandpass. :type mixing_freqs: list :param rx_rate: The rf rx rate. :type rx_rate: float :returns: List of stages of filter taps. First stage is bandpass, subsequent stages are lowpass. :rtype: list[ndarray] """ filters = [] n = len(mixing_freqs) m = filter_taps[0].shape[0] bandpass = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=np.complex64) s = np.arange(m, dtype=np.complex64) for idx, f in enumerate(mixing_freqs): # Filtering is actually done via a correlation, not a convolution (the filter is not reversed). # Thus, the mixing frequency should be the negative of the frequency that is actually being extracted. bandpass[idx, :] = filter_taps[0] * np.exp(s * 2j * np.pi * (-f) / rx_rate) filters.append(xp.array(bandpass, dtype=xp.complex64)) for t in filter_taps[1:]: filters.append(xp.array(t[np.newaxis, :], dtype=xp.complex64)) return filters
[docs] @staticmethod def windowed_view(ndarray, window_len, step): """ Creates a strided and windowed view of the ndarray. This allows us to skip samples that will otherwise be dropped without missing samples needed for the convolutions windows. The strides will also not extend out of bounds meaning we do not need to pad extra samples and then drop bad samples after the fact. :param ndarray: The input ndarray :type ndarray: ndarray :param window_len: The window length(filter length) :type window_len: int :param step: The step(dm rate) :type step: int :returns: The array with a new view. :rtype: ndarray """ nrows = ((ndarray.shape[-1] - window_len) // step) + 1 last_dim_stride = ndarray.strides[-1] new_shape = ndarray.shape[:-1] + (nrows, window_len) new_strides = list(ndarray.strides + (last_dim_stride,)) new_strides[-2] *= step return xp.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( ndarray, shape=new_shape, strides=new_strides )
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_bandpass_decimate( input_samples, bp_filters, mixing_freqs, dm_rate, rx_rate ): """ Apply a Frerking bandpass filter to the input samples. Several different frequencies can be centered on simultaneously. Downsampling is done in parallel via a strided window view of the input samples. :param input_samples: The input raw rf samples for each antenna. :type input_samples: ndarray [num_antennas, num_samples] :param bp_filters: The bandpass filter(s). :type bp_filters: ndarray [num_slices, num_taps] :param mixing_freqs: The frequencies used to mix the first stage filter for bandpass. :type mixing_freqs: list :param dm_rate: The decimation rate of this stage :type dm_rate: int :param rx_rate: The rf rx rate. :type rx_rate: float :returns: Samples after bandpass filter and downsampling operations. Shape [num_slices, num_antennas, samples] :rtype: ndarray """ # We need to force the input into the GPU to be float16, float32, or complex64 so that the einsum result is # complex64 and NOT complex128. The GPU is significantly slower (10x++) working with complex128 numbers. # We do not require the additional precision. bp_filters = xp.array(bp_filters, dtype=xp.complex64) input_samples = DSP.windowed_view(input_samples, bp_filters.shape[-1], dm_rate) # [num_slices, num_taps] # [num_antennas, num_output_samples, num_taps] filtered = xp.einsum("ij,klj->ikl", bp_filters, input_samples) # Apply the phase correction for the Frerking method. ph = xp.arange(filtered.shape[-1], dtype=np.float32)[xp.newaxis, :] freqs = xp.array(mixing_freqs)[:, xp.newaxis] # [1, num_output_samples] # [num_slices, 1] # ph: [num_slices, num_output_samples] ph = xp.fmod(ph * 2.0 * xp.pi * (-freqs) / rx_rate * dm_rate, 2.0 * xp.pi) ph = xp.exp(1j * ph.astype(xp.float32)) # [num_slices, num_antennas, num_output_samples] # [num_slices, 1, num_output_samples] # corrected: [num_slices, num_antennas, num_output_samples] corrected = filtered * ph[:, xp.newaxis, :] return corrected
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_lowpass_decimate(input_samples, lp_filter, dm_rate): """ Apply a lowpass filter to the baseband input samples. Downsampling is done in parallel via a strided window view of the input samples. :param input_samples: Baseband input samples :type input_samples: ndarray [num_slices, num_antennas, num_samples] :param lp_filter: Lowpass filter taps :type lp_filter: ndarray [1, num_taps] :param dm_rate: The decimation rate of this stage. :type dm_rate: int :returns: Samples after lowpass filter and downsampling operations. Shape [num_slices, num_antennas, samples] :rtype: ndarray """ # We need to force the input into the GPU to be float16, float32, or complex64 so that the einsum result is # complex64 and NOT complex128. The GPU is significantly slower (10x++) working with complex128 numbers. # We do not require the additional precision. lp_filter = xp.array(lp_filter, dtype=xp.complex64) input_samples = DSP.windowed_view(input_samples, lp_filter.shape[-1], dm_rate) # [1, num_taps] # [num_slices, num_antennas, num_output_samples, num_taps] # filtered: [num_slices, num_antennas, num_output_samples] filtered = xp.einsum("ij,klmj->klm", lp_filter, input_samples) return filtered
[docs] @staticmethod def beamform_samples(filtered_samples, beam_phases): """ Beamform the filtered samples for multiple beams simultaneously. :param filtered_samples: The filtered input samples. :type filtered_samples: ndarray [num_slices, num_antennas, num_samples] :param beam_phases: The beam phases used to phase each antenna's samples before combining. :type beam_phases: ndarray [num_slices, num_beams, num_antennas] :returns: Beamformed samples of shape [num_slices, num_beams, num_samples] :rtype: np.ndarray """ # [num_slices, num_beams, num_antennas] beam_phases = np.array(beam_phases) # result: [num_slices, num_beams, num_samples] return np.einsum("ijk,ilj->ilk", filtered_samples, beam_phases)
[docs] @staticmethod def correlations_from_samples( beamformed_samples_1, beamformed_samples_2, output_sample_rate, slice_index_details, ): """ Correlate two sets of beamformed samples together. Correlation matrices are used and indices corresponding to lag pulse pairs are extracted. :param beamformed_samples_1: The first beamformed samples. :type beamformed_samples_1: ndarray [num_slices, num_beams, num_samples] :param beamformed_samples_2: The second beamformed samples. :type beamformed_samples_2: ndarray [num_slices, num_beams, num_samples] :param output_sample_rate: Sampling rate of data. :type output_sample_rate: float :param slice_index_details: Details used to extract indices for each slice. :type slice_index_details: list :returns: Correlations for slices. List of length num_slices, with each entry having shape [num_beams, num_range_gates, num_lags]. :rtype: list[ndarray] """ values = [] for s, slice_info in enumerate(slice_index_details): if slice_info["lags"].size == 0: values.append(np.array([])) continue range_off = ( np.arange(slice_info["num_range_gates"], dtype=np.int32) + slice_info["first_range_off"] ) tau_in_samples = slice_info["tau_spacing"] * 1e-6 * output_sample_rate lag_pulses_as_samples = np.array(slice_info["lags"], np.int32) * np.int32( tau_in_samples ) # [num_range_gates, 1, 1] # [1, num_lags, 2] samples_for_all_range_lags = ( range_off[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + lag_pulses_as_samples[np.newaxis, :, :] ) # [num_range_gates, num_lags, 2] row = samples_for_all_range_lags[..., 1].astype(np.int32) # [num_range_gates, num_lags, 2] col = samples_for_all_range_lags[..., 0].astype(np.int32) values_for_slice = np.empty( (beamformed_samples_1.shape[1], row.shape[0], row.shape[1]), dtype=np.complex64, ) for lag in range(row.shape[1]): values_for_slice[:, :, lag] = np.einsum( "ij,ij->ji", beamformed_samples_1[s, :, row[:, lag]], beamformed_samples_2[s, :, col[:, lag]].conj(), ) # [num_beams, num_range_gates, num_lags] values_for_slice = np.einsum( "ijk,k->ijk", values_for_slice, slice_info["lag_phase_offsets"] ) values.append(values_for_slice) return values
[docs]def get_phase_shift(beam_angle, freq, num_antennas, antenna_spacing, centre_offset=0.0): """ Find the phase shift for a given antenna and beam direction. Form the beam given the beam direction (degrees off boresite), the tx frequency, the antenna number, a specified extra phase shift if there is any, the number of antennas in the array, and the spacing between antennas. :param beam_angle: list of azimuthal direction of the beam off boresight, in degrees, positive beamdir being to the right of the boresight (looking along boresight from ground). This is for this antenna. :type beam_angle: list :param freq: transmit frequency in kHz :type freq: float :param num_antennas: number of antennas in this array :type num_antennas: int :param antenna_spacing: distance between antennas in this array, in meters :type antenna_spacing: float :param centre_offset: the phase reference for the midpoint of the array. Default = 0.0, in metres. Important if there is a shift in centre point between arrays in the direction along the array. Positive is shifted to the right when looking along boresight (from the ground). :type centre_offset: float :returns: phase_shift a 2D array of beam_phases x antennas in radians. :rtype: phase_shift ndarray """ freq_hz = freq * 1000.0 # convert to Hz. # convert the beam angles to rads beam_rads = (np.pi / 180) * np.array(beam_angle, dtype=np.float32) antennas = np.arange(num_antennas) x = ((num_antennas - 1) / 2.0 - antennas) * antenna_spacing + centre_offset x *= 2 * np.pi * freq_hz y = np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 - beam_rads) / speed_of_light # split up the calculations for beams and antennas. Outer multiply of the two # vectors will yield all antenna phases needed for each beam. # If there are N antennas and M beams # Eventual matrix is now: # [antenna0beam0 .. antenna1beam0 .... ... antennaN-1beam0 # antenna0beam1 ... antenna1beam1 .... ... antennaN-1beam1 # ... # ... # antenna0beamM-1 ... antenna1beamM-1... ... anteannaN-1beamM-1] phase_shift = np.fmod(np.outer(y, x), 2.0 * np.pi) # beams by antenna phase_shift = np.exp(1j * phase_shift) # Pointing to right of boresight, use point in middle (hypothetically antenna 7.5) as phshift=0 return phase_shift
[docs]def get_samples(rate, wave_freq, pulse_len, ramp_time, max_amplitude): """ Get basic (not phase-shifted) samples for a given pulse. Find the normalized sample array given the rate (Hz), frequency (Hz), pulse length (s). Will shift for beam later. :param rate: tx sampling rate, in Hz. :type rate: float :param wave_freq: frequency offset from the centre frequency on the USRP, given in Hz. To be mixed with the centre frequency before transmitting. (ex. centre = 12 MHz, wave_freq = + 1.2 MHz, output = 13.2 MHz. :type wave_freq: float :param pulse_len: length of the pulse (in seconds) :type pulse_len: float :param ramp_time: ramp up and ramp down time for the pulse, in seconds. Typical 0.00001 s from config. :type ramp_time: float :param max_amplitude: USRP's max DAC amplitude. N200 = 0.707 max :type max_amplitude: float :returns samples: a numpy array of complex samples, representing all samples needed for a pulse of length pulse_len sampled at a rate of rate. :rtype: ndarray """ wave_freq = float(wave_freq) rate = float(rate) sampling_freq = 2 * math.pi * wave_freq / rate # for linear we used the below: linear_rampsampleslen = round( rate * ramp_time ) # number of samples for ramp-up and ramp-down of pulse. sampleslen = round(rate * pulse_len) rads = sampling_freq * np.arange(sampleslen) wave_form = np.exp(rads * 1j) amplitude_ramp_up = np.arange(linear_rampsampleslen) / linear_rampsampleslen amplitude_ramp_down = np.flipud(amplitude_ramp_up) ramp_up_piece = wave_form[:linear_rampsampleslen] ramp_down_piece = wave_form[sampleslen - linear_rampsampleslen :] np.multiply(ramp_up_piece, amplitude_ramp_up, out=ramp_up_piece) np.multiply(ramp_down_piece, amplitude_ramp_down, out=ramp_down_piece) samples = wave_form * max_amplitude return samples