Data Write

The data_write package contains the utilities to parse protobuf packets containing antennas_iq data, bfiq data, rawacf data, etc and write that data to HDF5 or JSON files.

data_write package

This package contains utilities to parse protobuf packets containing antennas_iq data, bfiq data, rawacf data, etc. and write that data to HDF5 or JSON files.


2017 SuperDARN Canada

class src.data_write.DataWrite(data_write_options)[source]

Bases: object

This class contains the functions used to write out processed data to files.


data_write_options (Options) – The options parsed from config file

output_data(write_bfiq, write_antenna_iq, write_raw_rf, write_tx, file_ext, aveperiod_meta, data_parsing, rt_dw, write_rawacf=True)[source]

Parse through samples and write to file.

A file will be created using the file extension for each requested data product.

  • write_bfiq (bool) – Should beamformed IQ be written to file?

  • write_antenna_iq (bool) – Should pre-beamformed IQ be written to file?

  • write_raw_rf (bool) – Should raw rf samples be written to file?

  • write_tx (bool) – Should the generated tx samples and metadata be written to file?

  • file_ext (str) – Type of file extension to use

  • aveperiod_meta (AveperiodMetadataMessage) – Metadata from radar control about averaging period

  • data_parsing (ParseData) – All parsed and concatenated data from averaging period

  • rt_dw (dict) – Pair of socket and iden for RT purposes.

  • write_rawacf (bool, optional) – Should rawacfs be written to file? Defaults to True.

static write_dmap_file(filename, slice_data)[source]

Write out data to a dmap file. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.

  • filename (str) – The path to the file to write out

  • slice_data (SliceData) – Data to write out to the dmap file.

static write_hdf5_file(filename, slice_data, dt_str, file_type)[source]

Write out data to an HDF5 file. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.

  • filename (str) – The path to the file to write out

  • slice_data (SliceData) – Data to write out to the HDF5 file.

  • dt_str (str) – A datetime timestamp of the first transmission time in the record

  • file_type (str) – Type of file to write.

static write_json_file(filename, slice_data, file_type)[source]

Write out data to a json file. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.

  • filename (str) – The path to the file to write out

  • slice_data (SliceData) – Data to write out to the JSON file.

  • file_type (str) – The type of file to write.

class src.data_write.ParseData(agc_status_word: int = 0, antenna_iq_accumulator: dict = <factory>, antenna_iq_available: bool = False, bfiq_accumulator: dict = <factory>, bfiq_available: bool = False, intfacfs_available: bool = False, gps_locked: bool = True, gps_to_system_time_diff: float = 0.0, intfacfs_accumulator: dict = <factory>, lp_status_word: int = 0, mainacfs_accumulator: dict = <factory>, mainacfs_available: bool = False, options: ~utils.options.Options = None, output_sample_rate: float = 0.0, rawrf_available: bool = False, rawrf_locations: list[str] = <factory>, rawrf_num_samps: int = 0, rx_rate: float = 0.0, slice_ids: set = <factory>, timestamps: list[float] = <factory>, xcfs_accumulator: dict = <factory>, xcfs_available: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

This class is for aggregating data during an averaging period.

agc_status_word: int = 0
antenna_iq_accumulator: dict
antenna_iq_available: bool = False
bfiq_accumulator: dict
bfiq_available: bool = False
gps_locked: bool = True
gps_to_system_time_diff: float = 0.0
intfacfs_accumulator: dict
intfacfs_available: bool = False
lp_status_word: int = 0
mainacfs_accumulator: dict
mainacfs_available: bool = False

Consolidates data for each data type to one array.

In parse_[type](), new data arrays are appended to a list for speed considerations. This function converts these lists into numpy arrays.

options: Options = None
output_sample_rate: float = 0.0

Parses out any pre-beamformed IQ if available. Runs on every ProcessedSequenceMessage (contains all sampling period data).


Parses out any possible beamformed IQ data from the message. Runs on every ProcessedSequenceMessage (contains all sampling period data).


Parses out the possible correlation (acf/xcf) data from the message. Runs on every new ProcessedSequenceMessage (contains all sampling period data). The expectation value is calculated at the end of an averaging period by a different function.

processed_data: ProcessedSequenceMessage
rawrf_available: bool = False
rawrf_locations: list[str]
rawrf_num_samps: int = 0
rx_rate: float = 0.0
sequence_num: int
slice_ids: set
timestamps: list[float]

Parses the message and updates the accumulator fields with the new data.


data (ProcessedSequenceMessage) – Processed sequence from rx_signal_processing module.

xcfs_accumulator: dict
xcfs_available: bool = False
class src.data_write.SliceData[source]

Bases: object

This class defines all fields that need to be written by any type of data file. The ‘groups’ metadata lists the applicable file types for each field.

agc_status_word: int
antenna_arrays_order: list[str]
averaging_method: str
beam_azms: list[float]
beam_nums: list[int]
blanked_samples: ndarray
borealis_git_hash: str
data: ndarray
data_descriptors: list[str]
data_dimensions: ndarray
data_normalization_factor: float
decimated_tx_samples: list
dm_rate: list[int]
experiment_comment: str
experiment_id: int
experiment_name: str
first_range: int
first_range_rtt: float
freq: float
gps_locked: bool
gps_to_system_time_diff: float
int_time: float
intf_acfs: ndarray
intf_antenna_count: int
lags: ndarray
lp_status_word: int
main_acfs: ndarray
main_antenna_count: int
noise_at_freq: ndarray
num_ranges: int
num_samps: int
num_sequences: int
num_slices: int
pulse_phase_offset: ndarray
pulse_sample_start: list[float]
pulse_timing_us: list[float]
pulses: ndarray
range_sep: int
rx_center_freq: float
rx_sample_rate: float
samples_data_type: str
scan_start_marker: bool
scheduling_mode: str
slice_comment: str
slice_id: int
slice_interfacing: dict
sqn_timestamps: list[float]
station: str
tau_spacing: float
tx_antenna_phases: list[complex]
tx_center_freq: list[float]
tx_pulse_len: float
tx_rate: list[float]
tx_samples: list
classmethod type_fields(file_type: str)[source]

Returns a list of names for all fields which belong in ‘file_type’ files.

xcfs: ndarray