Source code for experiment_prototype.scan_classes.scan_class_base


    This is the base module for all ScanClassBase types (iterable for an experiment 
    given certain parameters). These types include the Scan class, the AveragingPeriod 
    class, and the Sequence class.

    :copyright: 2018 SuperDARN Canada
    :author: Marci Detwiller

from experiment_prototype.experiment_exception import ExperimentException
import itertools

[docs]class ScanClassBase(object): """ The base class for the classes Scan, AveragingPeriod, and Sequence. Scans are made up of AveragingPeriods, these are typically a 3sec time of the same pulse sequence pointing in one direction. AveragingPeriods are made up of Sequences, typically the same sequence run ave. 20-30 times after a clear frequency search. Sequences are made up of pulses, which is a list of dictionaries where each dictionary describes a pulse. :param object_keys: list of slice_ids that need to be included in this scan_class_base type. :param object_slice_dict: the slice dictionary that explains the parameters of each slice that is included in this scan_class_base type. Keys are the slice_ids included and values are dictionaries including all necessary slice parameters as keys. :param object_interface: the interfacing dictionary that describes how to interface the slices that are included in this scan_class_base type. Keys are tuples of format (slice_id_1, slice_id_2) and values are of interface_types set up in experiment_prototype. :param transmit_metadata: a dictionary of the experiment-wide transmit metadata for building pulse sequences. The keys of the transmit_metadata are: 'output_rx_rate' [Hz], 'main_antenna_count', 'tr_window_time' [s], 'main_antenna_spacing' [m], 'pulse_ramp_time' [s], 'max_usrp_dac_amplitude' [V peak], 'rx_sample_rate' [Hz], 'minimum_pulse_separation' [us], 'txctrfreq' [kHz], 'txrate' [Hz] """ def __init__(self, object_keys, object_slice_dict, object_interface, transmit_metadata): # list of slice_ids included in this scan_class_base self.slice_ids = object_keys # dictionary (key = slice_id) of dictionaries (keys = slice parameters) self.slice_dict = object_slice_dict # interfacing dictionary (key = (slice_id_1, slice_id_2), value = one of # interface_types) self.interface = object_interface # The nested slice list is filled in a child class before the prep_for_ # nested_scan_class function is run. This list is of format [[], [], ...] where # the length of the outer list is equal to the number of the lower # scan_class_base instance within the instance of the higher scan_class_base ( # ex. number of sequences within averagingperiods) self.nested_slice_list = [] # all necessary experiment-wide transmit metadata self.transmit_metadata = transmit_metadata
[docs] def prep_for_nested_scan_class(self): """ Retrieve the params needed for the nested class (also with base ScanClassBase). This class reduces duplicate code by breaking down the ScanClassBase class into the separate portions for the nested instances. For Scan class, the nested class is AveragingPeriod, and we will need to break down the parameters given to the Scan instance because there may be multiple AveragingPeriods within. For AveragingPeriod, the nested class is Sequence. :returns: params for the nested class's instantiation. """ # TODO documentation make a detailed example of this and diagram nested_class_param_lists = [] if __debug__: print(self.nested_slice_list) for slice_list in self.nested_slice_list: slices_for_nested_class = {} for slice_id in slice_list: try: slices_for_nested_class[slice_id] = self.slice_dict[slice_id] except KeyError: errmsg = 'Error with slice list - slice id {} cannot be found.'.format(slice_id) raise ExperimentException(errmsg) # now take a subset of the interface dictionary that applies to this nested object # of scan_class_base type. nested_class_interface = {} for i in itertools.combinations(slice_list, 2): # slice_list is sorted so we should have the following effect: # combinations([1, 3, 5], 2) --> [1,3], [1,5], [3,5] nested_class_interface[tuple(i)] = self.interface[tuple(i)] nested_class_param_lists.append([slice_list, slices_for_nested_class, nested_class_interface, self.transmit_metadata]) return nested_class_param_lists
[docs] @staticmethod def slice_combos_sorter(list_of_combos, all_keys): """ Sort keys of a list of combinations so that keys only appear once in the list. This function modifes the input list_of_combos so that all slices that are associated are associated in the same list. For example, if input is list_of_combos = [[0,1], [0,2], [0,4], [1,4], [2,4]] and all_keys = [0,1,2,4,5] then the output should be [[0,1,2,4], [5]]. This is used to get the slice dictionary for nested class instances. In the above example, we would then have two instances of the nested class to create: one with slices 0,1,2,4 and another with slice 5. :param list_of_combos: list of lists of length two associating two slices together. :param all_keys: list of all keys included in this object (scan, ave_period, or sequence). :return: list of combos that is sorted so that each key only appears once and the lists within the list are of however long necessary """ list_of_combos = sorted(list_of_combos) # if [2,4] and [1,4], then also must be [1,2] in the list_of_combos # Now we are going to modify the list of lists of length = 2 to be a list of length x so that if [1,2] and [2,4] # and [1,4] are in list_of_combos, we want only one list element for this scan : [1,2,4] . scan_i = 0 # TODO detailed explanation with examples. Consider changing to a graph traversal algorithm? while scan_i < len(list_of_combos): # i: element in list_of_combos (representing one scan) slice_id_k = 0 while slice_id_k < len(list_of_combos[scan_i]): # k: element in scan (representing a slice) scan_j = scan_i + 1 # j: iterates through the other elements of list_of_combos, to combine them into # the first, i, if they are in fact part of the same scan. while scan_j < len(list_of_combos): if list_of_combos[scan_i][slice_id_k] == list_of_combos[scan_j][0]: # if an element (slice_id) inside # the i scan is the same as a slice_id in the j scan (somewhere further in the list_of_combos), # then we need to combine that j scan into the i scan. We only need to check the first element # of the j scan because list_of_combos has been sorted and we know the first slice_id in the scan # is less than the second slice id. add_n_slice_id = list_of_combos[scan_j][1] # the slice_id to add to the i scan from the j scan. list_of_combos[scan_i].append(add_n_slice_id) # Combine the indices if there are 3+ slices combining in same scan for m in range(0, len(list_of_combos[scan_i]) - 1): # if we have added z to scan_i, such that # scan_i is now [x,y,z], we now have to remove from the list_of_combos list [x,z], and [y,z]. # If x,z existed as SCAN but y,z did not, we have an error. # Try all values in list_of_combos[i] except the last value, which is = to add_n. try: list_of_combos.remove([list_of_combos[scan_i][m], add_n_slice_id]) # list_of_combos[j][1] is the known last value in list_of_combos[i] except ValueError: # This error would occur if e.g. you had set [x,y] and [x,z] to PULSE but [y,z] to # SCAN. This means that we couldn't remove the scan_combo y,z from the list because it # was not added to list_of_combos because it wasn't a scan type, so the interfacing would # not make sense (conflict). errmsg = 'Interfacing not Valid: exp_slice {} and exp_slice {} are combined in-scan and do not \ interface the same with exp_slice {}'.format( list_of_combos[scan_i][m], list_of_combos[scan_i][slice_id_k], add_n_slice_id) raise ExperimentException(errmsg) scan_j = scan_j - 1 # This means that the former list_of_combos[j] has been deleted and there are new values at # index j, so decrement before incrementing in while. # The above for loop will delete more than one element of list_of_combos (min 2) but the # while scan_j < len(list_of_combos) will reevaluate the length of list_of_combos. scan_j = scan_j + 1 slice_id_k = slice_id_k + 1 # if interfacing has been properly set up, the loop will only ever find # elements to add to scan_i when slice_id_k = 0. If there were errors though (ex. x,y and y,z = PULSE # but x,z did not) then iterating through the slice_id elements will allow us to find the # error. scan_i = scan_i + 1 # At this point, all elements in the just-finished scan_i will not be found anywhere # else in list_of_combos. # Now list_of_combos is a list of lists, where a slice_id occurs only once, within the nested list. for slice_id in all_keys: for combo in list_of_combos: if slice_id in combo: break else: # no break list_of_combos.append([slice_id]) # Append the slice on its own, it is in its own object. list_of_combos = sorted(list_of_combos) return list_of_combos